Friday, March 5, 2010
Coffee Talk Thursday

Well, as I only came up with this idea last night, I imagine this'll be a short post. If the banner there isn't animated, click on it. If it still doesn't work, photobucket must be destroyed. It's a classic I made a few years ago.
So, yesterday, as Katy did errands, the boys and I had coffee. As Wikipedia syndrome affects all of us, it seems, our conversation went all over the place. However, two major things became clear (to me) as we talked. Troy wants to play a Winchester, and Josiah is aiming for a post-apocalyptic Batman.
Of course, that's an over-simplification, but it gets across the idea. Troy likes the idea of being a sniper and seems really interested in the supernatural undercurrent I have in mind (and generally, when I say the word, I mean supernatural, not Supernatural, but I believe that wasn't clear initially, and has made for some really interesting ideas to pop up). Josiah is very interested in three major things--quick, agile melee; energy weapons and tinkering. Okay, so the energy weapons aren't so much Batman, but then, we aren't technically going to be in Gotham.
So, two very different character concepts that work well together. Ladies, what thought have you given to your characters?
Additionally, it seems Mr. J was busy after bidding us adieu. Here is a concept sketch for a tinkered weapon he seems to have thought out pretty well. All this time I was imagining a whaling harpoon (a pretty entertaining notion for a mobile weapon, and probably still viable) than a scuba-diving model.
I also indicated that I plan to incorporate (to some extent) Marvel Comics landmarks, notably the Daily Bugle, the Baxter Building and even Stark Tower (though without that...thing on top). May even slip the Daily Planet in there somewhere. Note that these are not going to be the same as their comics incarnations--they'll be adjusted to a setting-appropriate tech level, and they were also affected (to varying extent) by the War.
Quick question--is anyone/everyone able to access the dashboard to do new posts?
Xaos_Bob, 6:27 PM