If I Can Make It There...

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Change is coming to the Core

I as going to use this post to announce the decision to shift from our mutant Fallout rules to D&D4, but after I typed three paragraphs, something occurred to me to ask:

What would be happier to everyone:
* Playing our Fallout game (with rules, imperfect as they may be, intact),
* Switching our Fallout game to (more professional and) sexier D&D4,
* Playing our Fallout game (with rules intact), but maybe playing some actual D&D?

The last possibility could serve as a test bed. If we like one game more than another, we can focus on it. If we like them same, we could try going back and forth.  If we like one notably less, we can abandon it.

Please use your authorship privileges to discuss this, so it's easily visible when we pop by to check the blog.
Xaos_Bob, 11:22 PM