If I Can Make It There...

Wednesday, February 2, 2011


Okay, I am jonesing to have everyone over, but I don't know everyone's schedules.  For us, Thursday and Saturday nights are definitely out (kids), and Fridays probably, too (need a chance to decompress after the long school/work week).  Haven't really talked specifically about this with B, but those two nights for sure we can't.

I've also been thinking about the fact that our WoW-D&D game was only intended to be a short-term thing, and I am at an utter loss as to what to do from here. I'd like us, as a group, to figure out what kind of game we would all like to play, what kind of setting, characters, general goals (short- and long-term) and so on, and no "I'm fine with anything." :p  I'm open to continuing our WoW game, I'm leaning toward returning to New York, but there are plenty of other options we can discuss, too, including using 3.5/Pathfinder rules.

Sound off in the comments. :D
Xaos_Bob, 1:10 PM