Saturday, April 24, 2010
Blog guest
Just a quick note to explain that I sent an author invite to my best friend Greg so he can view our blog. No, he isn't in our game, but he's been my best friend and gaming/DMing buddy for more years than I can keep track of, and I thought it would be fun for him to have a peek at what we're up to in the Core Wasteland (and a good way for me to get another DM's perspective and critique).
Is this okay with everyone?
Is this okay with everyone?
Xaos_Bob, 2:12 AM
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Friday, April 16, 2010
An Intro to D&D 4e
Courtesy Chris Perkins and the Robot Chicken guys (sans Seth Green). I thought it was fun, and gives an easy look at some of 4e's basics. I suggest starting with the intro first, listed a bit down the page.
Think of it as fun research for something we enjoy. ;D
My thinking about potentially using D&D4 has several motivations. We would, of course, modify it a bit, but honestly not so much as it initially would seem.
Think of it as fun research for something we enjoy. ;D
My thinking about potentially using D&D4 has several motivations. We would, of course, modify it a bit, but honestly not so much as it initially would seem.
Xaos_Bob, 5:12 PM
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Monday, April 12, 2010
The Real Vault-Tec
They are called Vivos. Now if only there was a mascot they could adopt...
Xaos_Bob, 11:23 AM
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Sunday, April 11, 2010
Okay, based on Thursday's session, something became very apparent to me, and that is my own confusion as to the application of skill to the chucking of grenades.
Thinking on it, while Throwing them seems viable, that lessens the unique flavor of Megan's character, and, as the saying goes, "close only counts in horseshoes and nukes." Wait. No. "..and hand grenades." But nukes apply, too.
Setting mines will be a use for Traps, as we did in the game. But, should the official ruling be that attacks with grenades and other thrown explosive devices like dynamite, etc., are governed by Explosives, as Troy was naturally leaning toward all along?
Thinking on it, while Throwing them seems viable, that lessens the unique flavor of Megan's character, and, as the saying goes, "close only counts in horseshoes and nukes." Wait. No. "..and hand grenades." But nukes apply, too.
Setting mines will be a use for Traps, as we did in the game. But, should the official ruling be that attacks with grenades and other thrown explosive devices like dynamite, etc., are governed by Explosives, as Troy was naturally leaning toward all along?
Xaos_Bob, 5:39 PM
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Thursday, April 22nd
I will be unable to join you guys the thursday of the 22nd. I have a wedding I am in, and should probably be there. If you want to reschedule, awesome, but I understand the world doesn't center at my existence. Just thought I should clue you guys in.
I'm looking forward to thursday!
jletourneau, 1:30 PM
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Friday, April 9, 2010
Session Two: Distortion
First off, I would like to extend my sympathies to Chris & Company for their vehicles repair costs. I would also like to thank him for the pizza rolls and pasta! With this I also have thanks giving for Megan & Company for pretzels and thin mints. I think I can speak for everyone in saying it's much easier to play a satisfying session with some food in your tummy. I think that next week Troy and I can tackle food stuffs. Is this all right with you Troy?
Before the session began I got the chance to draft up a rifle for Troy... very fun and sexy if I do say myself, capable of destroying demons and deathclaws alike! I also drafted a concept for Megan. With IRONMAN_BOOTS! and a tesla coil on her kick ass bow! So to begin, thursday was a good day. We all got the chance to sit down and kind of swap ideas on the RPG with Megan and Amanda (who hopefully found our little chat and session fun). I helped the girls find Chris and Betsy's place of living. At which point, Chris re-iterated his speech and we dived into leaving Vault 73
(I can never remember Megan and Betsy's character names so I will just use their names)
Now onto the meat of the second session:
We woke up early in the morning and met with the brain bots friendly advise to move to the exit. So, we packed our things (with our new companion, Megan) and headed to the vault door. We were met by a Mr. Gonzalez, complete with the 1980's po-po mustache, who, after leading us to the door, activated the computer terminal and opened the Vault door... obviously opposite the way it should have opened. More on that later, anyway, we head out into the world. A very dark cavish dark and did I say dark? Well.... as we walked down the cavern we made our way to the entrance with light at the end of the tunnel. Where we could see the side of long island that included manhattan to the left, straight ahead we could see a small settlement, and to our right.... Wastes. We decided to stock up/pillage the semi-destroyed village. Good plan right?
Maybe..... When I walked up to the door in the first valuable house in the seemingly deserted village and KABLAHM! Explosion! I shook it off and climbed the wall to get to the roof. The rest of the party then kicked into action. Mr. Sam Gould disarmed another explosive as Megan took position in the nearby bushes to snipe with her bow. Betsy wasn't far behind ready to open the door and bring hell. My ascent to the roof alerted some guys inside and I almost immediately received fire. SO... I moved off the roof and hung as stealthy as I was able. At this point, Troy lobbed a grenade upstairs and failed! It exploded after ricocheting off the back wall. I repositioned across the roof taking fire along the way, dropped down and fired a nail. Seeing three raiders I yelled "Three Targets!" Here, Bets tazored a nearby looser, Megan fired an arrow, Troy fires his bb gun, Bets hits another looser. I fire another round, explosion, teargas, and limbs being torn asunder, etc. etc. Fun over all. We loot the bodies and get some gooder equipment.
We decided then to move on to another house. Here we started looking over the house for valuable materials and equipment. Downstairs Megan finds a pile of footballs... or eggs. We gather around a swiftly as possible just as a death claw reaches for Troy... a futile attempt, but still unsettling. The second swipe knocks Troy down. Megan fired a round from her arrow if memory serves me correctly and Troy fired a flare in it's neck. Sweet success in the face! But the deathclaw wouldn't go down easy. I, as soon as able, leaped down the stairs and onto the back of the beast and fired a 10m round into it's skull... with no real effect. Betsy out of reflex fires a 3 round burst of smg ammo at the beast from around the corner. Hitting me in the back. Troy's bb gun jams, Megan hits the deathclaw with her flamingo, and I get swung off the monster and go unconscious. I am saved by betsy and When I come to, Troy has unjammed his bb gun, Megan pulled out her baseball bat, I fire my next round into the deathclaw's face, and Megan finished it off.
We then find betsy no where to be found. A radio upstairs draws Megan's attention, and a voice taking the name of Gordon calls out. He asks if we are all there... and begins sending us on a Morpheus like escape mission back into the vault (much to my distaste). On our way back to the vault we see some dust being kicked up. Troy sets up a mine at the entrance of the cave and we are then ordered to the radio tower (which wasn't there five minutes ago) and into a house with a red door. we slip in through the basement window hearing nukes go off... flung by huge green men. Hulks. Gordon directs us into the safe house after heading down a long corridor past a steel door Megan very quickly finds herself navigating a nearby console. We activate the defenses and head into the elevator. Super mutants following us the entire way. At the end of our Alice in Wonderland adventure, we see pods. After activating their terminals, we unjack from the matrix simulator. SAY WHAT?
Yes, a simulator. This whole adventure was a controlled form of execution from the overseer. He's going to pay for this... with his tears, sweat, blood, and muffled screams if it's the last thing I do. Barring being stopped by the nearby brainbots or other mishaps, I think we're making our way to Lower level 7. Regrouping, and assassinating that asshole that is the overseer.
Hope nextweek brings blood.
jletourneau, 10:47 AM
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Wednesday, April 7, 2010
The Perks of Post-Apocalyptia
In your email you should find the initial (alpha?) version of the perks you will have available at levels 2 and 3. I have a scad more to work out, and may be expanding or altering this list, but this will give you an idea what to expect.
Oh, and B asked me to pass along that if you want to bring munchies, you are always welcome. Tomorrow night, due to *grumble* unexpected potential car expenses, we won't be able to feed you all. Though I do have three or four little boxes of cheese pizza rolls I'll break out, and I can always whip up a simple pot of rice or pasta, so that'll help. ;)
Oh, and B asked me to pass along that if you want to bring munchies, you are always welcome. Tomorrow night, due to *grumble* unexpected potential car expenses, we won't be able to feed you all. Though I do have three or four little boxes of cheese pizza rolls I'll break out, and I can always whip up a simple pot of rice or pasta, so that'll help. ;)
Xaos_Bob, 11:37 PM
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(Not Quite) Coffee Talk
You've dug up some nice ones, Troy! My comments:
Map #1 (two posts down): This is a good map of the island of Manhattan. Interesting to see it so undeveloped! Keep in mind that the left end of the map actually points SSW. New Jersey is west (up in relation) and Brooklyn is east (down).
Map #2 (first in post below): A good map for showing where neighborhoods (particularly places like Chinatown, Upper West Side, etc) are in relation to one another. A few landmarks, but it only details Mid and Lower Manhattan, and only about half of Central Park, and none of the boroughs in NJ or Long Island. May be too small to print, but would probably be on a brochure you would find in the city easily enough, though.
Map #3 (second below): This is a good one! Covers about half of Long Island and shows NYC's major boroughs, including a nice hunk of Joisey. The cartographic style is certainly period (unless I miss my guess, this map is probably circa 1962-5). Size is pretty good for printing. Good road map!
Map #4 (third in the row): This is a pretty sharp subway map, and it looks good on the screen. I find myself routinely confused by subway maps, since they're sort of "abbreviated", meaning their representation is more diagrammatic than realistic, like a flowchart. My brain keeps trying to make them realistic. I have been avoiding the subway in my plans thus far, mostly because I have the attention span of a gnat lately and I want to definitely cross-reference this with Bing Maps so I know where more accesses than Grand Central Station may be. Die Hard 3 has also been fun in this regard.
Map #5 (last one): This one is a downright gorgeous map of Manhattan. Of course, it is rotated perpendicular to the very first one, making it cocked just a little counter-clockwise from reality. While not as current, certainly, as the Long Island road map, this one is sultry and distinguished. I wonder if we could find a higher-res scan of this one...
I have some maps I have found, too, but after the Jeep horked all over itself and our American history (zzzz..) test tonight, I'll save posting any for later.
Oh, and Troy knows already, but I will be unable to come for coffee tomorrow--Bets is getting a ride to work, and I don't intend to take the Jeep anywhere until someone can tak a look at it. As an aside, I am open to suggestions as to what to do about feeding everyone tomorrow, but I'm thinking quick/easy will help us get to playing faster.
Map #1 (two posts down): This is a good map of the island of Manhattan. Interesting to see it so undeveloped! Keep in mind that the left end of the map actually points SSW. New Jersey is west (up in relation) and Brooklyn is east (down).
Map #2 (first in post below): A good map for showing where neighborhoods (particularly places like Chinatown, Upper West Side, etc) are in relation to one another. A few landmarks, but it only details Mid and Lower Manhattan, and only about half of Central Park, and none of the boroughs in NJ or Long Island. May be too small to print, but would probably be on a brochure you would find in the city easily enough, though.
Map #3 (second below): This is a good one! Covers about half of Long Island and shows NYC's major boroughs, including a nice hunk of Joisey. The cartographic style is certainly period (unless I miss my guess, this map is probably circa 1962-5). Size is pretty good for printing. Good road map!
Map #4 (third in the row): This is a pretty sharp subway map, and it looks good on the screen. I find myself routinely confused by subway maps, since they're sort of "abbreviated", meaning their representation is more diagrammatic than realistic, like a flowchart. My brain keeps trying to make them realistic. I have been avoiding the subway in my plans thus far, mostly because I have the attention span of a gnat lately and I want to definitely cross-reference this with Bing Maps so I know where more accesses than Grand Central Station may be. Die Hard 3 has also been fun in this regard.
Map #5 (last one): This one is a downright gorgeous map of Manhattan. Of course, it is rotated perpendicular to the very first one, making it cocked just a little counter-clockwise from reality. While not as current, certainly, as the Long Island road map, this one is sultry and distinguished. I wonder if we could find a higher-res scan of this one...
I have some maps I have found, too, but after the Jeep horked all over itself and our American history (zzzz..) test tonight, I'll save posting any for later.
Oh, and Troy knows already, but I will be unable to come for coffee tomorrow--Bets is getting a ride to work, and I don't intend to take the Jeep anywhere until someone can tak a look at it. As an aside, I am open to suggestions as to what to do about feeding everyone tomorrow, but I'm thinking quick/easy will help us get to playing faster.
Xaos_Bob, 9:20 PM
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Tuesday, April 6, 2010
More NYC maps
Crestus24, 5:55 PM
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Monday, April 5, 2010
Crestus24, 5:51 PM
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Friday, April 2, 2010
First Session
Now, though we haven't exited the vault I think we should recap ideas and events. I'll obviously start with my facet of the story as well as provide input on what I really enjoyed...
To start, Chris most beautifully painted the picture of post war NY. His opening speech at least helped *me* get into the mood. After meeting with the Overseer, we had three days to gather our things and prepare to head to quarantine, aka, head out of the vault. Betsy's character was evolving for the first bit of the session, but I think she solidified as she went and saw the insanity that would ensue if she didn't play the "wise peacekeeper" role. (I had a very strong urge to take out an inept guard, hide his body in a locker, and strip him of his weapon and shin-guards :D ) She verbalized the fact that she is the daughter of some kind of martial artist, and she had some understanding of combat as well as seduction techniques. Troy was/is the archivist who was quite successful in gathering information on the other vaults and researching the water-chip. I spent my time in my office, tinkering with the chip and committing it's parts to memory, as well as gathering my standard kick ass appearance.
I think we should establish which vault/settlement we'll head to when we leave, as well as who will take point should we run into a... difficult situation. I nominate Betsy, because she might allow us to conserve on ammo...or nails. :D
I even got the chance to take out a guard in a dream after the session, a very accommodating move by chris@company. :D Thanks for a great evening!
Anyone else have ideas and a review?
To start, Chris most beautifully painted the picture of post war NY. His opening speech at least helped *me* get into the mood. After meeting with the Overseer, we had three days to gather our things and prepare to head to quarantine, aka, head out of the vault. Betsy's character was evolving for the first bit of the session, but I think she solidified as she went and saw the insanity that would ensue if she didn't play the "wise peacekeeper" role. (I had a very strong urge to take out an inept guard, hide his body in a locker, and strip him of his weapon and shin-guards :D ) She verbalized the fact that she is the daughter of some kind of martial artist, and she had some understanding of combat as well as seduction techniques. Troy was/is the archivist who was quite successful in gathering information on the other vaults and researching the water-chip. I spent my time in my office, tinkering with the chip and committing it's parts to memory, as well as gathering my standard kick ass appearance.
I think we should establish which vault/settlement we'll head to when we leave, as well as who will take point should we run into a... difficult situation. I nominate Betsy, because she might allow us to conserve on ammo...or nails. :D
I even got the chance to take out a guard in a dream after the session, a very accommodating move by chris@company. :D Thanks for a great evening!
Anyone else have ideas and a review?
jletourneau, 9:42 AM
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